Participation in EMAS 2: Financial Benefits and Incentives
Other initiatives concern the promotion of EMAS at the local level.
Almost all Italian regions are involved.
In addition, other initiatives to promote participation in EMAS, such as:
- the agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and UniCredito to provide financial loans at low rates for SMEs, to support their costs for implementing EMAS; - the agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and the National Agricultural Credit Institute to provide financial loans at low rates for SMEs in the agricultural and agri-food sector, to support their costs for implementing EMAS; - the agreement between the Ministries of Environment and Industry, the local authorities (Region, Province, Municipalities, etc.), the National Competent Body and the ANPA regarding a project to obtain the EMAS registration of the industrial zone of the district Textile of Prato and of many SMEs operating in the textile sector.
As for the other countries of the Community, Germany, through its Federal structure, provides for particular forms of financial support (in particular for consultancy costs, auditing) aimed primarily at small and medium-sized enterprises that intend to register.