Who can register EMAS
The extension of EMAS to all organizations with an environmental impact, even those that do not fall within the industrial / manufacturing sectors, means the possibility of registering entities with very different organizational structures to EMAS.
The choice of the entity to be registered will be based on two criteria: management control and
geographical location.
The entity to be registered as an organization under EMAS must not extend beyond the borders of a Member State. If the organization includes one or more sites, each site to which EMAS applies must comply with all the requirements of the system including continuous improvement of environmental results.
Entities with the following organizational structures have been identified:
Organizations operating on a single site
Organizations that, in exceptional circumstances, could register a smaller entity than a site
Organizations that operate in multiple sites a) with identical or similar products or services; b) with different products or services;
Organizations for which it is not possible to adequately define a specific site;
Organizations that control temporary sites;
Independent organizations to be registered as a common organization;
Small companies that operate in a large specific area and produce identical or similar products or services;
Local authorities and government institutions.
Initially, EMAS members must bear in mind that environmental verifiers and, where appropriate, competent bodies may exercise an influence in accepting the registration of the entity.
All members must also provide an environmental statement which must include, among other things, a clear and unambiguous description of the organization requesting EMAS registration and a summary of its activities and its products and services, as well as its relations with any parent organization.
These requirements are related to others concerning management control and the impact on the organization's environmental aspects. These requirements are aimed at ensuring management control and influence by the organization on environmental aspects that have a significant environmental impact in all sites. We therefore recommend those who join EMAS to provide a clear and motivated justification for the selection of sites or parts of sites of the organization requesting registration. In doing so they will anticipate the requirements of the environmental declaration and can easily answer any questions asked not only by verifiers and competent bodies, but also by other interested parties. The competent body refuses registration if the entity chosen for registration does not correspond to the definitions of the Regulation. In case of doubt, an organization must therefore consult the competent body already in the initial phase of the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS).