Use of the EMAS Logo
3. GUIDE TO THE USE OF THE LOGO IN ADVERTISING THE PARTICIPATION OF THE ORGANIZATION TO THE SYSTEM [article 8, paragraph 2, letter a) and Annex III, point 3.5 of the regulation (EC) n. 761/2001]
3.1. General requirements
The use of the logo (second version) for specific information must comply with the requirements set out in Annex III, point 3.5.
The format of the publications varies and can be used, for example, to:
information leaflets;
illustrative sheets;
materials in distribution;
announcements in the press;
chapters dedicated to the environment in non-environmental publications;
websites, etc .;
television advertising messages.
The correct use of the logo does not depend on the technical means by which the information is presented. In such cases, the requirement to be met is the following:
Make clear which validated information the logo refers to!
If all the content of a publication is taken from the environmental statement and validated by the verifier, the logo can be used in any way considered appropriate (for example on a cover, in the title of an advertisement, as a graphic background for a text, etc.).
The validated information must be clearly distinguishable from the rest of the text (for example by means of a box, a different graphic layout, different characters or colors, or a different aspect or size) if:
- constitute only a part within another text (for example of technical or commercial content), or;
- are presented in association with other non-validated environmental information (for example, a passage of a larger text, or a section of a business report, etc.).
The logo must be positioned in such a way as to clearly show that it is associated with the validated information.