Why an Environmental Management System to improve a protected area? (*)
(*) Source: ENEA
Protected areas have
- the experimentation of new forms of management suitable for guaranteeing the improvement and protection of environmental quality among its institutional goals;
- particularly high environmental values to protect and improve;
- an organization that is a reference for the territory;
- an area that represents 10% of the national territory (848 protected areas + 2700 SIC).
Moreover, the Park Authorities have the need to:
- get a real improvement in environmental quality, so any aid is fine;
- always have new opportunities for dialogue with other subjects present in the territory;
- being able to involve the interested parties on shared objectives;
- have greater internal efficiency and visibility of results.
Daltra parte anche chi vive nel Parco ha le sue esigenze,
tra cui:
- nuove occasioni di dialogo e di azioni comuni;
- sinergie, suggerimenti, per cui il parco può essere
un riferimento per i temi ambientali, ma soprattutto;
- risultati concreti in tempi brevi.
What are the foreseeable advantages?
For the parks the following results can be identified as more relevant:
- better internal functioning;
- continuous improvement of environmental quality;
- improving relations with local institutions and companies;
- achievement of shared protection objectives;
- improvement of its image and competitiveness.
while for the municipalities and companies in the park we can highlight::
- possibility to take advantage of a "park quality environmental supplier brand";
- improvement, however, of one's way of working;
- better relationship with customers and users sensitive to environmental issues, less conflict with the park and other public administrations.